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Maths at Wroot Travis Charity C of E Primary School

Our Maths Curriculum

We have adopted a mastery approach for the teaching of Mathematics based on the objectives and progression of the National Curriculum. This allows the majority of pupils to move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. Underpinning this, is the belief that all pupils can achieve in maths, maximising the potential of every pupil’s ability and achievement as well as developing their inner confidence and resilience.

Our main aims for all pupils are:

  • To become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice.
  • To reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • To successfully solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non- routine problems with increasing sophistication

In addition we aim:

  • To maintain and stimulate lasting pupil curiosity, interest and enjoyment in mathematics and numbers.
  • To employ teaching methods and resources which allow all pupils to have access to mathematical ideas, learn resilience and experience success.

At Wroot Travis Charity Church of England Primary School, our Maths curriculum is designed to be accessible to all, so that every child knows more, remembers more, and understands more. We aim to provide children with the mathematical skills needed for life. Our intent is that pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged. They will be offered rich and varied problems before to deepen and broaden their understanding within National Curriculum objectives. Those who are not sufficiently fluent will have support through the Same Day Intervention approach.

Progression in Maths

In EYFS, pupils are provided with opportunities to develop their fluency and are introduced to reasoning and problem solving skills in number, shape, space and measure. They use play provision to master these areas of learning. They will apply this to the wider curriculum to observe and discuss mathematical findings in their play. We aim for our pupils to leave EYFS feeling as confident and happy learners, having set the foundations for their learning to be built upon in later years.

In Key Stage 1, we aim to ensure that pupils build on the fluency, reasoning and problem solving learnt in EYFS so that they continue to develop in confidence, resilience and mental fluency across the curriculum. Pupils will have different opportunities within Maths sessions to use a range of methods which allow them to be effective learners. We aim for our children to move into KS2 having mastered the KS1 curriculum and therefore ready to apply this learning in order to deepen their understanding.

In Key Stage 2, our aim is that pupils will build on their prior learning to help them master approaches and solve sophisticated problems. We ensure that all pupils continue through the key stage, with curiosity and excitement. Our mission is for all pupils to successfully leave our school fully prepared to continue on their learning journey well into KS3.

Throughout the school, we place high emphasis on developing pupil's knowledge of times tables and key instant recall of facts. We use a range of exciting ways to learn these facts, which starts with subitising in EYFS. We use a range of concrete and pictorial resources to help build competitiveness and drive to pupils to succeed in learning these basic skills. We aim to ensure that pupils are fluent in all of their times tables by the end of year 4

Teachers from Reception to Year 6 use the White Rose Schemes of work, to deliver the National Curriculum requirements, as well as a wide variety of resources and strategies, feeding in to a range of challenges and approaches.

Maths is taught daily across school with quick recaps throughout the day.

Progression Maps for each objective of the Maths National Curriculum can be found here. These show how children’s learning and understanding progresses from EYFS through to year 6:

Place value

Addition and subtraction



Ratio and Proportion



Geometry Properties

Geometry Position


Useful Resources

White Rose Resources are used to support the delivery of the curriculum:


KS2 use Times Tables Rockstars to support the learning of times tables facts: https://play.ttrockstars.com/


Useful Websites





If you would like to know more about Maths at our school or if you have any questions please contact the Maths subject leader (Mrs Higginson) at the school.

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